
It was Labor Day weekend of my sophomore year of high school. All my friends were heading up to the mountains for the weekend and I hopelessly begged my mom to let me join them. With too much homework, a few big tests in the near future, and soccer practice, I was quickly denied. Instead, she offered me an alternative fun weekend activity: baking. Over the course of that long weekend, my mom and I baked too many cupcakes, and she taught me how to pipe frosting using her Wilton Student Decorating Kit. This was when my love for food and baking began. 


Fast forward to my last year at the University of Georgia. I had no idea what I wanted to do after graduation. A degree in Consumer Foods offers so many opportunities, but I didn’t know where to begin. When I was told about an internship with a cooking show, I thought it was too good to be true. It sounded like the internship of my dreams.


I began my graduate internship with The VeryVera Show in August of 2016. As an intern, I wasn’t running meaningless errands and fetching coffee. I was brought into the company and given responsibilities that most interns never experience. I was taught management skills, practiced business etiquette, and learned even more about cooking. I was able to learn so much in a short timespan and build on the degree I earned at UGA. In December of 2016, I was brought on full-time as the Associate Producer of the show, which means I got to continue working a job that allows me to truly live out my love of food. From testing recipes, managing the production of a cooking show, and corresponding with both regional and national food celebrities, I have learned so much while working at VeryVera.


We have now started writing The VeryVera Cookbook. Two dreams fulfilled in one place?! I consider myself pretty lucky. So far throughout this process, I have been able to use everything I learned during my college career. Writing a cookbook means lots of recipe testing and lots of recipe writing. It has given me the opportunity to use my degree for something I am passionate about. Oh, and writing a cookbook also means eating lots of cake.


If you have a passion for food, then VeryVera is the place you need to be. And lucky for you, we are looking for fall interns. Apply today (here) and I’ll save you a slice of cake. 😉


Rachel Schifter